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SHKP Love Nature Campaign beach clean up


Sun Hung Kai Properties (SHKP) and environmental group Green Power staged a second clean shore event that marshaled volunteers to collect over 1,000 kg of rubbish in Sha Chau and Lung Kwu Chau.  SHKP works to protect the environment and has a new SHKP G Power campaign to consolidate its green efforts including the SHKP Love Nature Campaign clean up events and educational programmes to raise awareness of beach and country park conservation.

There were nearly 200 people in the Sha Chau and Lung Kwu Chau beach clean ups, including current and former SHKP employees, some of their relatives and over 100 students, parents and teachers from seven primary schools.  Participants worked in teams to collect nearly 1,300 kg of rubbish, including 320 kg of plastic and 130 kg of metal.  Participants then went on a dolphin watch tour to learn about the animals’ habitat and the importance of preserving the ecosystem.

SHKP also sponsored Green Power’s ‘train-the-trainers’ workshops that help teachers promote marine conservation in schools, and the production of interactive multi-media educational kits to increase primary school students’ awareness of nature preservation in fun way.

SHKP respects the environment and follows clear green policies for sustainable development in its operations to conserve resources for future generations.  It believes in Building Homes with Heart and includes its large property portfolio in its SHKP G Power green initiatives.  The company also organizes environmental activities to encourage people to be eco-friendly and make the Earth a better place for everyone.



Second SHKP Love Nature clean shore event with 200 volunteers



Participants cleaning beaches


SHKP-sponsored multi-media educational kits for primary schools to promote marine preservation

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